With a Name Like Cherries Waffles Tennis…

With a Name Like Cherries Waffles Tennis…

Sometimes the simple crime of making a fraudulent purchase becomes a Florida story because of three simple words. Usually it’s “a Florida man” or “a Florida woman.” But this time those three words are Cherries Waffles Tennis.

Cherries Waffles Tennis. Not the items that were bought fraudulently, but the who. Because once upon a time a mother and father were nice (crazy?) enough to name their daughter Cherries Waffles Tennis, we can enjoy a classic Florida crime tale.

Cherries and her pals Vincent Mitchell and Paul Miller tried to buy some Ray Bans, a GoPro, and a spear gun, with a credit card that wasn’t their own. I can understand the Ray Bans and GoPro I guess, but what were they going to use the spear gun for?

You can read all about Cherries and her criminal gang in this Palm Beach Post story.

Hat tip to Mike for sharing the story.